Monday, September 3, 2012

Business Lessons from MMA & Sumu Fighters

Forget David and Goliath, this is the 21st Century!  If you are in business, and feeling like this poor little MMA fighter watch this match. Yes he is smaller by more than 400 lbs, but he has strength, perseverance, agility, and focus.  Watch, however as he tries to conquer this behemoth using a traditional MMA strategy of taking the opponent down. It's a mistake which he quickly learns and he finds himself in survival mode.  However, once he is out he goes back to swift attack mode, and .... through persistence and tenacity, he conquers the giant.  So, next time you feel like you are this poor little dude with retail giant Amazon or Wal-Mart coming at you with their full 600lbs, consider your strengths and use them to conquer your market. $AMZN $WMT
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